While cataract and refractive procedures are among the most frequently performed surgeries, the outcomes are somewhat dependent on an often complex post-op medication regimen that must be carried out by the patient. Undergoing surgery can be daunting to individuals and going home afterward with a complicated list of when and how to take your medications can be overwhelming.

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Traditionally, patients have been prescribed three different eye drops to counteract the risk of infection, pain, and inflammation after cataract surgery. Depending on the specific procedure employed by the surgeon, patients may need to apply one eye drop up to 4 times per day for as many as 30 days, another eyedrop up to 4 times per day for as many as 7 days, and a third eyedrop once daily for 30 days.

Easy Does It

Forward thinking eye surgeons are moving past this complex and counter-intuitive post-op regimen. Instead, to better serve their patients, they are replacing the complicated three-eyedrop plan with a compounded single, preservative-free eyedrop produced by San Diego-based-ImprimisRx. These doctors are maintaining excellent surgical results while simultaneously making the lives of their patients easier. Compounded eyedrops combine FDA -approved pharmaceutical ingredients into one eye drop. Prescribing one drop instead of multiple drops makes it much more likely that patients will remember to use the combination eyedrop when they are supposed to. While remembering to use several eyedrops can be challenging for anyone, it is particularly onerous for elderly people, for those who have Alzheimer’s disease, or physical limitations that may contribute to missing doses or using the wrong eye drop at the wrong time. 

Ask any staff member in a busy ophthalmology practice about the time that is spent on patient and pharmacy call-backs that are a result of insurance not covering a particular drug prescribed. Or – the out-of-pocket expense causes a big financial strain for the patient. Generic drugs may not be suitable or available. With combination formulations from ImprimisRx, quality and affordability are key – and – no pesky pre-authorization is required!

Compounded medications are most often developed to address a specific need that is not being met by major pharmaceutical companies. For instance, ImprimisRx developed the post-op combination formulations to help patients easily take their medications which may contribute to achieving the best possible surgical outcome. Some compounding pharmacies formulate medications for limited use in individual patients who for some reason can’t take a widely available commercial medication. For instance, the patient may be allergic to a specific mass-produced medication. While ImprimisRx can formulate customized medications for individual patients, it primarily produces large volumes of medications – such as the previously described eye drops – that can be stored for long periods of time and ordered in bulk, as needed by eye surgeons and surgery centers.

Safety First

In addition to various post-op formulations, ImprimisRx produces a variety of other preservative-free compounded medications.  Each ImprimisRx product is designed to provide a safe, effective, convenient treatment solution, and can be used in place of branded drugs that are too expensive for patients or on the drug shortage list.  ImprimisRx pharmacies are committed to delivering high-quality formulations from their patient specific 503! Pharmacy and FDA-Registered Outsourcing Facility (503B). 

In addition to the individual components of each of the compounded formulas being FDA approved, the ImprimisRx production process is FDA regulated, which further ensures the quality and safety of their products. The facilities where Imprimis’ compounded medications are produced are regulated by the FDA under the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA). Part of the regulatory process requires that ImprimisRx, adhere to Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), which are the same standards that govern major drug manufacturers. Compounding pharmacies like ImprimisRx, carry out rigorous testing to ensure their compounds maintain long-term stability with intended use and storage, and their products and process undergo regular audits by the FDA to ensure they are following cGMP. This FDA oversight and the extensive testing carried out by ImprimisRx gives eye doctors the confidence they need to prescribe these compounded formulas to their patients.

Checking All the Boxes

Complying with post-op medication demands can be challenging and even frustrating. That’s especially true for older patients and those who have conditions that complicate their ability to comply with complex directions, as well as for those who are on their own with no loved one or caregiver to help them adhere to a post-op regimen. 

Anything that can be done to help ensure that the post-op drug regimen is simple safe, convenient, and affordable is a plus. Compounded formulations, such as those produced by ImprimisRx, check all the boxes.